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OpenStreetMap server setup

Run OpenStreetMap server on-premise, behind a firewall, on an intranet, or even offline in a few clicks with MapTiler Server.

MapTiler image Openstreetmap running from own server on-premises

OpenStreetMap on own hardware

Run OSM maps from your server, desktop PC, or laptop.

Get maps into a secure environment behind a firewall or entirely offline.

Tiled OpenStreetMap

Power your maps with pregenerated OpenStreetMap data of the entire world.

Use one of the beautiful map styles or create your own.

openstreetmap with custom toner style for self-hosting

Ready to use basemaps for self-hosting

Street and satellite maps of the entire world

PNG tiles for Leaflet & OpenLayers

Insert pre-generated OSM vector tiles and immediately get PNG tiles for Leaflet or OpenLayers libraries.

leaflet js library in MapTiler Server

Standardized web map services for OpenStreetMap

Use OGC map services to load your OpenStreetMap in various software tools, from GIS and business analytics tools to your secure dashboards and applications running completely without the internet.

Server exposes links with XYZ scheme, TileJSON, and Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).

MapTiler image ogc.webp

Available as:

vector tiles

Vector tiles

MapTiler SDK, native MVT clients

raster tiles

Raster tiles

Leaflet, OpenLayers, XYZ

map services

Map services

WMTS and OGC Tiles API for QGIS or ArcGIS

static maps

Static maps

Image for thumbnails

Try MapTiler Server now!

Available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Docker, and Kubernetes.
